Today I got to do my favorite part about being a Beautycounter consultant. I got to advocate for better laws to protect ALL of our health.

Why is this my favorite part? For me, there are a couple of reasons.

One, I have a strong desire to make a difference in this world. I am always thinking of companies to start and actions I can take to make this world a better place. Today, while meeting with Representative Chellie Pingree’s office I was asking her to support a bill that would impact us all. This bill #1 would give the FDA the ability to pull unsafe personal care products from the shelf, something they DO NOT have the ability to do today. It also asks for them to review and test ingredients used for safety, and ban them if they are not safe.

Today the United States bans 30 ingredients from personal care products. Compare that to the 600 Canada bans and 1400 the EU bans. And, the last time a major Federal law passed governing the Personal Care Industry? 1938. Yep, 81 years ago. Do you know how many products have been introduced since then? It’s sad that our laws don’t protect us from ingredients that can harm us. But, the good news is WE CAN make a difference. All YOU need to do is text BETTERBEAUTY to 52886. That’s it. That action will notify Congress that you want safer laws passed.

I also think you should reach out to your local House Representative and ask for a meeting. Get some friends together and participate in our democracy. Your Representative wants to hear from their constituents and a face-to-face meeting can really make a difference in what laws get passed.

We all should be part of our democracy and let our voices be heard. Together, we can make a difference, and change the way things are. Why wait and depend on other people to do it, when you can do it yourself?

Earlier this month, on the 6 year anniversary of Beautycounter I posted about why I joined, and why I think you should too – advocacy is a huge part of why I do this, and the more voices that are heard the better chance we have of making a change.

Maybe that’s not you, and that’s okay too – but then, make sure your wallet speaks for you. Purchase from companies that put People and Planet first (BCorps). Look for products that don’t have “fragrance” on the ingredient list (Did you know that 1 ingredient can be up to 100 different unlisted ingredients? I liken it to the “Natural Flavors” ingredient in food – you never know what’s in it.).

No matter what you’re passionate about, your voice should be heard, whether it’s attending meetings, texting Representatives or purchasing better products.

Don’t be a bystander in history, be a change maker.

Join me.
