I just read a post I wrote 2 years ago about the week we decided to move to Maine. And, I started crying. It brought back so many emotions from that time.

And so much has changed since then. So. Much.

We’ve had 2 more kids! Yup. You read that right. I was pregnant with baby #3 when I wrote that post. And here I am with baby #4 at 2 months old.

Am I crazy?

We’ve made Maine our home. We’ve survived the winters (really they aren’t much different than NJ ones – it’s the Spring that is horrible!!!), we’ve knocked down walls, built new ones, tiled, painted, cut down trees, you name it, we’ve done it. We’re still not even close to done, and I won’t lie, that drives me crazy!

But, I know that we’re getting there. It’s okay we’re living as a family of 6 in a 2 bedroom house. We’re making it work. Yes, 3 kids (2 boys and a girl) can share a room (it actually makes bedtime that much easier).

I know that it may be taking longer than I’d like it to. And costing more than I’d like it to. But, we’re making an investment. And each time that something gets completed it’s that much more appreciated.

As a designer it’s hard sometimes to see your vision take so long to come to fruition, but at the same time, sometimes it helps because you can tweak your vision as you live with things, you can make adjustments that will make the end result that much better.

It hasn’t been easy to be in Maine when my parents are in NJ. I’d love for them to move up here, but I know my dad hates the winters, he’d never want to be here during them, but of course I went and had kids in December, January and March – and those kids mean the world to him, so maybe he’ll think about it?

Am I crazy?

The house is far from perfect, I wish I could have built my own. The property is truly what I fell in love with, but we’ve made the house work, and it does feel like home now.

We get to go to the beach whenever we want. I fall asleep to the ocean every night. I’ve learned what “the calm before the storm” truly is, and feel much more aware of nature than I was 2 years ago.

My life is hectic as anything running 2 businesses and raising 4 kids, but I really can’t imagine it any other way.

Am I crazy?

The answer is a resounding Y-E-S.

Would I have it any other way? No.

This is my life. I’m embracing the good, the bad and the ugly about it.

Are you doing the same?
